Tō Tātou Marae

Our Marae

Governance - Our Trust

Duties of the Mangatoatoa Paa Trust

The following clauses are excerpts from sections of the Marae Charter:

From Section 14:

“The principal duty of the Trustee shall be to act in good faith at all times in the exercise of their power

The Mangatoatoa Paa Trust has a duty to administer Mangatoatoa Paa in a way that will promote the purpose of the Paa for the benefit of everyone entitled to use and enjoy the Paa."

Beneficiaries of the Paa

From Section 2:

“The Paa serves all hapū and iwi having affiliation to Mangatoatoa through whakapapa links to the original Tupuna of the lands."

Chairperson - Craig Barrett

Our Trust Executive

Trust Chairperson

Craig Barrett

E noho ai ki runga i te mahau o Te Aroha o Ihoa me Te Maru o Ihoa, ki runga i te pā o Mangatoatoa.

Ko Tainui te waka, Ko Hoturoa te tangata.

Ko Waikato Maniapoto te iwi, he uri anō o Ngāti Paretekawa te hapū.

Ki te taha o toku Pāpā, ko Brown Barrett rāua kō Tarita Muraahi oku kuia koroua i ngaro atu ki te pō. Ko Mathew Barrett rāua ko Marilyn Barrett oku mātua.

Ko Craig Barrett tōku ingoa. Ko au te hoa rangatira o Cate Barrett. Te pāpā o aku tamariki, aku ngākau aroha e whā.

Trust Secretary

Whaitiri Ngaheu

Kia mau ki tēnā, kia mau ki te kawau mārō.

Tērā te haeata e tākiri mai ana ki runga o Kakepuku. Ka paratī ngā wai tukukiri o Pūniu ki ngā tahataha o Rewatu. He rau tēnei nō te pāharakeke o Paretekawa. Ko te Aroha o Ihowa, ko Te Maru o Ihowa ngā whare. Ko Mangatoatoa te Paa.

Kia ora katoa.

Trust Treasurer

Julian Retikaukau

Mokau ki runga, Tamaki ki raro, Mangatoatoa ki waenganui.

Kei kōnei au, kei te tihi o Kakepuku, tirohia iho rā, ko Pōkuru, Moeawhā, Kihikihi, Ōtāwhao, Waikeria, ngā ipukarea. Whakarongo atu rā ki te rere o Pūniu, Ngā uri nei o Ngāti Paretekawa. Ko Pēhi Tūkorehu te tangata.

Ko Julian Retikaukau ahau, tenā ra koutou e te whānau.

Craig Barrett (Chair)

Julian Retikaukau (Treasurer)

Whaitiri Ngaheu (Secretary)

Hone Hughes

Our Paa Trustees 

Moe Roberts

Rovina Maniapoto-Anderson

Thomas Maniapoto

Maria Maniapoto

Nigel Ngahiwi

Bobby Stevens - Toka

Makere Roa

Amiria Maraku

Te Mauri (Mei) Maguire

Valerie Ingley (d) Dan Te Huia (d)

Operations - Our Paa committee

Duties of the Mangatoatoa Paa Committee

1) To provide oversight of any activity or event on the Paa, on behalf of the Trust

2) To take bookings for the use of the Paa, noting that tangihanga will always take precedence over any other booking.

3) To maintain the marae grounds, facilities and equipment ensuring the complex and assets are well maintained and in good working condition.

4) To implement the Annual Operating Plan and manage the accompanying budget

5) To perform other such duties as requested by the Paa Trust


1) Membership is not restricted to Paa beneficiaries

2) The executive comprises 4 positions – Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Booking Officer/Custodian


Hone Hughes & Derek Roberts

a) leads and chairs the Marae Committee.

b) ensures administrative and financial accountabilities are delivered to full expectation, on time and within budget.

c) ensures roles and responsibilities of the Committee are carried out in a professional manner. 

d) represents the Paa  Committee at Trust meetings, but without voting rights.

e) submits quarterly (3 monthly) reports to the Trust, against the Annual Operating Plan

f) coordinates and acts as first point of contact for Funders and Service Providers involved in Te Whare Hauora O Mangatoatoa Paa Kaupapa.

Our Paa Committee


Georgina Rewha

a) prepares agenda and documents for Committee Hui

b) keeps minutes of Committee meetings

c) attends to all correspondence to and from the Marae Committee

Booking Officer / Custodian

Moe Roberts

a) receives and responds to  all booking inquiries.

b) maintains a booking calendar


Trevor Sibley

a) is responsible to receive all monies due to the Paa and deposit into the Paa bank accounts.

 b) prepares an annual budget of expected income and expenditure that has been allocated under a set of headings, for the next financial year.

c) prepare and submit a quarterly financial report to the Paa Trust.

Marae Representatives

Waikato Tainui logo


Te Whakakitenga representatives

  • Craig Barrett

  • Kerry Maniapoto

  • Dana Maniapoto (Alternate)

Te Kaumārua representatives

  • Kahu Mclintock

  • Nigel Ngahiwi

Te Nehenehenui logo

Te Nehenehenui

Whare Waiwaia representative

  • Maria Maniapoto

Got an enquiry?

Or contact our Custodian, Moe Roberts, on 027 771 7787

Te Maru o Ihoa viewed from the apple tree